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Aalborg Rydercup League

It’s not about how low a score you make, it’s how fast your round was.

Featured Matches


Aalborg Golfklub — 15:30 – 21:00


Aalborg Rydercup – 15:30 – 21:00


Aalborg Rydercup – 15:45 – 21:00


Aalborg Rydercup- 15:45 – 21:00


Aalborg Rydercup – 16:00 – 21:00

Last years champion

In 2019 one of our newest members join the arena of Aalborg Rydercup to battle against some of the greatest wannabe pro-golfers in Aalborg Golfklub. It was a slow start for Andreas, with only 1 win in his first five appearances in the season of 2019. Some say he wasn’t a costume to the tempo, in which the game was played in the big leagues. Andreas was determined to prove everyone wrong and came out blazing in the 2020 season. Even stable veteran players like Rasmus Hansen, Mikkel Skov, and Søren Nedergaard were left in awe, of how Andreas approached the game. Quickly Andreas left everyone in the dust, only El Presidente refused to concede to the newbie. And on the final matchday of the season, the two battle it out. Unfourtournly El President’s playing partner couldn’t hit a fairway, even if his life depended on it, so in the end, Andreas stood victorious. Andreas’ ability to escape any danger, narrow in on par 3, and steady putter, showed why he was our winner of 2020. Congratulations.

Honorable mentions of 2020

The Birdie King

29 Birdies over 16 playing rounds


The Eagle king

2 Eagles over 16 rounds


Mr. Lostball

40 holes with 0 points in 15 rounds